Friday, April 26, 2013



Make a wireless or wired remote controlled Boat, powered by a motor, which can race against other opponents on a water track. Easy?? Here comes the twist in the tale, the obstacles will make your ride a bumpy one; they range from ordinary walls to Magnetic Field Hurdles. Do you have what it takes to win this thrilling competition??    


The track will be a water track with sharp turns and obstacles. In this edition of Boat race both speed and control will be important. The Boat should be able to cross obstacles, water currents on the track and outdo the opponents boat while maintaining its stability and not compromising on its pace.

1)      The width and depth of the track will be constant around 10 ft and 1 ft.
2)       Multiple Boats will race on a single lane track at a time.
3)       A race is defined to be completed when the Boats reaches the finish line.
4)      The track will consist of following obstacles

a)     Obstacles in the form of walls.
b)     Fast water currents.
c)     Dummy boats and islands.
d)     Region of External Magnetic Fields.


Dimension and Fabrication

1. The Boat must fit within a box of dimensions 150 mm X 130mm X 300mm (l x b x h) at the beginning of the game.
2. The Boat must be manually controlled.
3. Teams can use both wireless and wired remote controls for controlling the boat. 
4. The external wireless/wired remote control used to control the Boat is not included in this size constraint.
5. Teams must use an on-board power supply.
6. Boats cannot be constructed using any readymade mechanism. But you can make use of readymade assemblies. Violating this clause will lead to straight disqualification of the team.


1. The Boat can be controlled by wired/wireless remote control mechanism at all stages of the game.
2. In case the participants are using a wireless controlled machine, they have to bring 2 remote controls of distinct frequencies or a dual-frequency remote control, which can be switched to either frequency just before the start of the run. This is done to avoid frequency interference with competing machines.
3. The teams that are requiring two frequencies to operate the entire boat must take precautionary measures to ensure that it does not clash with the opponent's frequency at any point of time. Teams failing to ensure this will be disqualified.
4. In case of wired mechanism of the machine, the wire must not be slack at any point of time during the game. The total length of wire extending from the remote control to the machine must be minimum 3 meters.


The competition will consist of two rounds – qualifying round and final round.

Qualifying Round:

In this round a qualifying time period will be set, and the participants are required to reach the final position of the arena within this time, failing which they will be disqualified.
Those who will complete the task will move on to next round

Final Round:

Participants will be divided into groups and after a series of matches amongst them final winner will be decided.

Rules (both for qualifying and final round)

1)     Before the start of the run, a dry run of 5 minutes will be given to the boat. During dry run the boat can explore the entire arena to find the position of the obstacles. During dry run dummy blocks (in the form of artificial boats or islands) won’t be present on the arena.
2)     At the start of the run, the teams must place their boats at the starting line.
3)     Boat completing the track in shortest time will be declared as a winner.
4)     A maximum of three restarts will be given to a team. During a restart, the teams will have to restart their boat by placing them back in the starting line.
5)     No penalty will be awarded for a restart.
6)     The decision of the Race co-coordinators will be final.


 1. The teams must adhere to the spirit of healthy competition. The teams must not damage the opponent's Boat in any way.
 2. Organizers reserve the right to disqualify any team indulging in misbehavior or violating any rules.
 3. Any team that is not ready at the time specified will be disqualified from the competition automatically.
 4. The Boat would be checked for its safety before the race and would be discarded if found unsafe for other participants and spectators.
 5. The name of the Boat must be prominently displayed on the machine.
 6. Organizer’s decision shall be treated as final and binding on all.


A team may consist of a maximum of 3 members. Students from different educational
 Institutes can form a team.


All students who possess a valid identity card of their respective Educational institutes are eligible to participate in this event.