Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Spot Event

Expect the Unexpected!!

A fun filled event where you can unleash your debating skills, entrepreneurship ideas and have a close-up with Mother Nature!!!! Know More...

Techtonic Quiz

Transmute Learning into Joy

Zinc causes Cancer...But its Nanoform is an antidote to Cancer...Come along and experiences the sci-fi of metals and nanotechnology!! Know more...


Lights…Logic Gates…Action!!!!

Here is a brainstorming challenge to all those who love digital electronics. Open gates to your intellect and generate patterns using LED’s and basic logic gates. See more...

CE Brains

Tour-de-Cloud 9!!!

You might have attended many quizzes but this will be beyond your imagination. See more…


Engineering Beyond Imagination!!!

Did you think only motors can make a boat run?? Design your own boat which uses some alternative fuel and not motors and make them race on this platform. See more...


Brains are the fuel in the furnace of mind!!!

Do you have a bottom-up approach?? Then here’s a chance to hone your practical skills where the world of micro awaits the macro research!! Know more...


Thrust your Potential!!!

Have you ever seen a rocket being launched? Have you ever pondered on how they got the magnificent beast to launch high up into “infinity and beyond”? If you know the basic concepts of a rocket launch, then this event is just the thing for you. See more... 


Paper and Poster Presentation

Dive into the pool of scientific research and showcase your appetite for pure and applied sciences… See more...