Wednesday, April 24, 2013


a.      Problem Statement:  Design and build a pickup robot to carry balls from one place and drop them at the other end of the arena.

b.      Specification:

1.      The robot size should not be more than 35cmX25cm.
2.      The carrier basket/plate size should not exceed 20cmX20cm.
3.      The maximum potential difference between any two points must not exceed 24 V.
4.      Maximum weight of the robot with carrier must not be more than 2kg.
5.      It may be wired or wireless.
6.      The operating mechanism should be within the robot.

c.      Instruction to participants:  

1.       Shape: Structure could be of absolutely any shape satisfying the above constraints.        
2.       Once the structure is weighed, you are not allowed to modify   your structure in any way.
3.       If the structure fails to satisfy any of the above constraints then it will be summarily rejected.
4.      Any team that is not ready at the time specified will be disqualified immediately.

d.      Rules and regulation:

1.      The design should satisfy the dimensions and specifications prescribed by event managers.
2.      The decision of the event managers will be final and binding.

e.      Team Specifications and eligibility:

1.       A team may consist of a maximum of 3 members. Students from different educational institutes can form a team.

All students with a valid identity card of their respective educational institutes are eligible to participate.