Monday, April 22, 2013

Common and Fun

Ø Skulk Rider

§  Slow Bicycle race.
§  6 individuals can compete at a time.
§  During the course of race no body part should touch the ground.
§  Person finishing last will win the race.

Ø Article writing

§  Participants attending the full fest are allowed to participate in this event.
§  Participants should share their experiences, their feedback about the event, institution, Kashmir.
§  The best article that is selected by our distinguished jury will be communicated to the famous newspapers for publishing with the winner’s name.

Ø Video–Journalism

§  Participants should prepare a video of the whole fest or of the prominent events.
§  The video should not be more than 10 minutes of duration.
§  The best video will be displayed in the closing ceremony of the fest and the same will be communicated to the media personnel.

Ø Fly it

§  Participants will be provided with different types of papers and of different sizes.
§  Now they have to prepare any flying objects.
§  They are provided with launch pad / launch platform.
§  The participant with the longest time of flight and the object with the largest distance covered. Different credits will be given to the distance and time.
§  The participants should take care of the prevailing wind conditions.

Ø Human chess

§  This game is played between two teams.
§  Each team consists of 17 players.
§  1 team = One leader + 16 players.
§  The leader will solve a puzzle in maximum 2 minutes.
§  If leader answers/solves the puzzle then he is allowed to take one move by directing his player in 1 minute.
§  If leader is not able to solve the puzzle then the opportunity moves on to the other opposite leader.

Ø Hidden drawing

§  The team comprises of 2 participants.
§  Both the participants are separated by a curtain or a wall.
§  It is made sure that both my participants should not be able to see each other.
§  One participant is given a drawing, sketch, poster. He has to communicate it to the other participant sitting on other side of the curtain/ wall.
§  The other participant has to listen the instruction given by his team mate and draw accordingly.
§  Time limit to complete one drawing is 10 minutes.