Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Storm Warriors

An aero modeling competition which will test your knack for making remote controlled aircraft.

1.1   Introduction:
It’s your time now to change the maneuver history to fly the smallest bomber plane at the lowest altitude.

1.2 Problem Statement:
Design and make a wireless remote controlled aircraft, which has all three degrees of freedom including yaw, pitch and roll and that can complete a specified path and drop a packet of given weight at some specified location in the minimum possible time.

Arena and Path Specifications:
2.1 Launching Zone
·        Participants will have to hand-launch their aircraft from within the launching zone.
·        The gliders should be launched in the direction shown in the figures.
·        The launching zone would be a circle of 10 meter radius.

2.2 Specifications of path to be followed
·        Distance between center of launching zone and pole 1 = 25 meters
·        Distance between pole 1 and pole 2 = 20 meters.
·        Distance between pole 2 and pole 3 = 20 meters.
·        Distance between pole 3 and pole 4 =20 meters.
·        Distance between pole 4 and pole 5 =20 meters.
·        Minimum distance between pole 4 and pole 5 =13 meters
·        Height of pole 1, pole 2, pole 3 = 6 meters
·        Height of pole 4, pole 5 = 3 meters.
·        Height of pole 6 and pole 7 =6 meters inclined at 50degrees to horizontal. Ribbons tied between the poles will be taut.

Machine Specifications:

3.1 Glider Specifications
1. An aircraft is defined as an object that has the four forces of flight, namely lift, drag, weight (gravity) and thrust due to propeller acting on it at any point of time.
2. The aircraft is to be designed in such a way that it can carry a packet (block) of 70-75gms, and can release it midway during its flight.
3. The Block will be a solid block of dimension 50mm x 30mm x 18 mm. No additional carrying feature such as hooks etc. will be provided with the block. However, participants are expected to devise their own slot, hook or any other mechanism to carry and dispatch the block. Mechanism, wherein some part of the aircraft also gets dropped with the packet is also allowed.
4. The use of launching mechanisms is prohibited. The aircraft should be hand launched. At the time of launching there must be some mechanism to accommodate the packet.
5. The use of IC engines is prohibited. Only electrical motors are allowed.
6. The participants are free to use the materials of their choice. However the use of Balsa wood or foam (sun board) or sun pack is advisable. Balsa wood is light, easy to handle and fabricate the Aircraft making it the best choice.
7. Participants must make all parts of the aircraft themselves. Usage of Ready-to-Fly (RTF) and Almost-Ready-to-Fly (ARF) kits is strictly prohibited. However, the kit comprising of unassembled cut-pieces of Balsa wood is allowed. Also use of readymade actuators/motors, remote controls and propellers is allowed. Refer to figure 1 and 2.
8. Use of gyroscopes (gyros) is prohibited.
9. If anyone found not following above rules will be disqualified

3.2 Judging of Design
1. Designing of an aircraft is a very important part of this competition. The tasks in competition include aerobatics, sharp turns, accurate dropping off the payload and speed. So your aircraft should be such that it can perform the given tasks effectively. The tasks for the competition are:
      a. Aerobatics (maneuvering).
      b. Packet Dropping
      c. Safe landing.
      d. Flying as fast as you can in addition to taking sharp turns to complete the run in minimum possible time.
2. Each entry will be judged before the start of the task. The judging will be based on the following criteria:
      a. Functionality of Design.
      b. Innovation of Design.
3. There will also be prizes for Best Design, Innovative Design, etc. which will be announced later. But these prizes will be awarded depending on your performance of your aircraft in round 1 (qualification round).


4.1 Competition Rules
Round 1:
1. In this round participant has to hand launch the aircraft from the launching zone and has to perform the following maneuvers:
a. Square circuit: The participant has to make a square shaped circuit in air.
b. Vertical loop: The aircraft has to make a vertical loop.
c. Roll: The aircraft must perform a complete 360 degree roll.
2. The maneuvers will be subjectively judged. The performance of a team in Round 1 will determine its selection for Round 2. Since we have subjective judging, completion of even one maneuver out of these three may get you selected for the next round.
3. A maximum time of 2 minutes per run will be given to perform these moves.
4. The participants will be given 2 runs to perform these tasks.
5. The aircraft has to be hand launched from launching zone which is behind the finish line.
6. The participants will be allowed a total of 3 chances to launch the aircraft in every run i.e. if the aircraft doesn't fall out of the launching zone in an attempt to launch it, then they can re-launch their aircraft.

Round 2
In this round the participant has to launch the aircraft from a specified launching zone.
1. Launching zone is a circle of radius 10m.
2. Participant has to accommodate the packet (dimensions, weight and figure given below) in the aircraft while launching.
3. A run will be considered complete if the aircraft crosses the launching zone, completes the task along the way and lands after the finish line.
4. A safe landing will be given special credits in scoring (see judging criteria). For instance if during landing, the fuselage of the aircraft breaks, then points for safe landing will not be awarded to the team. Safe Landing will be judged subjectively.
5. The time of flight for a run is defined as the time taken by the aircraft to finish the tasks given, reach the finish line and land.
6. The timer will start from the moment the aircraft is hand launched and is in the air.
7. The timer will stop only when the aircraft finally comes to a halt.
8. If in any run the aircraft does not complete the tasks at hand in the order in which they're meant to be followed, the run will not be awarded any points.
9. The participants will be allowed a total of 3 chances to launch the aircraft in every run i.e. if the aircraft doesn't fall out of the launching zone in an attempt to launch it, then they can re-launch their aircraft.
10. Participants will be given maximum of 4 minutes to complete Round 2 from launching of aircraft to landing. If participant fails to complete the task in 4 minutes then no Time points, PT (see scoring) will be awarded.
11. The aircraft will be judged on the basis of time of flight, accuracy in dropping, safe landing, weight of the craft and dimensions of the craft.

4.2 Path for Round 2
The total task of aircraft is to launch, complete the task and then land. The path here is given point wise:
·        Step 1: The aircraft will be launched from launching zone.
·        Step 2: It reaches the end of the arena takes a U turn.
·       Step 3: It transects the plane containing pole 1 and pole 2 below the ribbon and then takes a turn and transects the plane containing pole 2 and pole 3 above the ribbon (see arena).
·      Step 4: After crossing pole 3, it should move forward and transect the plane containing pole 4 and pole 5 below the ribbon and drop the packet in the drop zone. The aircraft can fly below this ribbon at most 2 times. Dropping and crossing of plane below the ribbon need not to be simultaneous.
·        Step 5: Then it must cross the plane between pole 6 and 7.
·        Step 4: It should then return back to the finish line and land safely.

Points for dropping will only be given if the aircraft completes the specified maneuvering and doesn’t touch the ground at any instance before dropping.
If the aircraft touches the ground after dropping and before reaching the finish line, then Time points (PT) and points for safe landing will not be awarded.
Participants are allowed to devise some mechanism wherein some part of the aircraft also gets dropped with the provided weight.
The timer will stop only when the plane has returned back to the finish line and came to a halt.

 4.3 General Rules:
1. The teams must adhere to the spirit of healthy competition. The teams must not damage the opponent's aircraft in any way. Judges reserve the right to disqualify any team indulging in misbehavior.
2. Any team that is not ready at the time specified will be disqualified from the competition automatically.
3. The aircraft would be checked for its safety before the event and would be discarded if found unsafe for other participants and spectators.
4. The organizers reserve all rights to change any or all of the above rules as they deem fit. Change in any rule, will be highlighted on the website.

4.4 Abstract Submission
1. All the participants need to submit an abstract on their aircraft.
2. For teams requiring accommodation, the last date of submitting the Abstract is 1st June 2013.

5.1 Team Specifications
A team must consist of a maximum of 4 participants. Students from different educational institutes can form a team.

5.2 Eligibility:
All students with a valid identity card of their respective educational institutes are eligible to participate in The STORM WARRIORS at Techvaganza 2013.