Voice for Veneration
“You can tell the condition of a nation by
looking at the status of its women”
-Jawaharlal Nehru
Contrary to
what our forefathers envisaged, the social development of women has not been
able to keep pace with the socio-economic revolution in India. The nation that
once took pride of equal status to women and respected them as holy deities
has, over the centuries, become one of the most unsafe places for women, who
are subjected to various forms of discrimination and atrocities.
According to
a global poll conducted by Thomson Reuters, India is the “fourth most unsafe country” in the world for women.
Doesn’t it
create a silver tint of clouds in your bosom to see the women trudging through
the reign of terror?
Being the vanguard
of change, we the young minds of the country would like to work for the
upliftment of women in the valley and across the nation through this
extravagant event. Through skits, drama, street plays and symposiums, we will
strive to be the beacon of awareness for the upliftment of women in different
sections of the society, to restore the pristine culture of this once a pious