Friday, April 26, 2013

Rocket Mania


The challenge this year is to design, build, and test, using a soda pop bottle, a rocket that uses a combination of pressurized air and water for propulsion. The competition will consist of launching your rocket which covers maximum time of flight (time in which the rocket is in air) and have a good design.

Teams shall send their names and abstract directly and should come prepared with the model. The teams shall be evaluated after investigating the model on the day of event.


Team Specification:
  • Rocket-mania is open to all undergraduate and postgraduate students of engineering.
  • Any team can have a maximum of 2 students.
  • No student can be part of more than one team.
  • It is not necessary that the students forming a team should be from the same college.
  • There is no restriction on the number of teams from the same college.

  •  Submission of entries with abstract should either in form of Word Document or PDF, less than 200 words, Times New Roman, 12 font size, with default spacing. Abstract may contain pictures/graphs if needed. Specifying your team name.
  •  Specify the registration id of and your team mates in the mail.
 However, it is ultimately the responsibility of the teams to keep themselves updated.

1. If a team submits their abstract multiple times, the one sent at the last will be considered for evaluation.
2. If a team utilizes any other means accept water and pressurized air, then the team is disqualified.
3. Registration for the teams shall be till specified dates.

Top 2 teams would be awarded the prizes and Certificate of Excellence. Certificate of participation will be provided to all the teams who will be registered.

All the students studying in their 2nd, prefinal/final year of the discipline Chemical Engineering/Tech., or allied branches like Textile Eng., Petroleum Eng., Production Eng., Diploma in Chemistry.

  •  Water is the only substance which you can use and which is provided by us.
  •  Cycle pump (air pump) is provided by us.
  •  Participants have to bring their own Rocket Launcher.
  • Ground shall be our arena.

  •  Marks distribution:
1)5 points for the design.
2) Points allotted for time of flight (time for which the rocket is in air): 1 point per second.