Participants will have to design a circuit to
implement the given design or pattern shown.
Pattern will be shown to the participants at the time of the
Format of Event:
The event will consist of two rounds based on the level of difficulty.
The first round will an eliminator round in which participants will
have to design a circuit to display a still pattern shown.
In the second round a new moving pattern will be shown which the
participants will have to implement.
Rules and Specifications:
Team will consist of 2 members
(maximum) and can be from different colleges.
Decision of the judges will be final and teams must abide by them.
Any unfair practices will be dealt with disqualification.
Judging criteria:
The teams will be judged on the basis of the efficiency of simulation
and the time taken for the completion.
Eligibility Criteria:
All the participants should have a valid ID card of their respective