Summary of Events
1. Flash game development.
• Generating
art from code
2. Quiz.
• Checking knowledge related to gaming and
Imagination power.
Flash Game Development
1. The game must be built using Action Script 3 targeting Adobe Flash Player in a desktop browser .
2. The game can be in 2D or 3D but must use Stage3D.
3. One may use assets, code, and other content created prior to the game but every game developed during the event must be based upon the game’s theme which will be emailed to all registered participants 15 days before the game begins.
4. One can work alone or as part of a team. Each team is limited to a maximum number of 3 members.
5. Selected participants must present the game, either a working prototype or finished game.
Bonus points for:
1. Using audio/music
2. Having optimized graphics
3. Motivation to finish the game and distribute via the appropriate market.
4. Quiz related to animation world.
Team will have 5 minutes to present
Show their finished game or a working prototype
Talk about the concept, game design, technology, graphics, and other significant aspects of the game
No slides needed, just show and talk about the game.
Bonus points for:
1. Using audio/music
2. Having optimized graphics
3. Motivation to finish the game and distribute via the appropriate market.
4. Quiz related to animation world.
Team will have 5 minutes to present
Show their finished game or a working prototype
Talk about the concept, game design, technology, graphics, and other significant aspects of the game
No slides needed, just show and talk about the game.
1. Online registration will be done as per schedule.
2. It will be an online event that will take some limited period of time.
3. Questions will be provided from a large data base of Questions.
4. Questions will be based on topics related to animation, game development and other related fields.
5. Winner will be announced on the basis of maximum score on forthcoming days.
6. The participant for Flash game may go through this round in order to get bonus marks for flash game event.