Thursday, May 2, 2013



      Competitive event which includes :
      Solving problems based on algorithms
      Algorithm Development
      Code Development 

Event Specifications

      Team wise participation with each team having not more than 2 members
      The Competition is divided into 3 Rounds/Levels.

Event Format                                             

Round 1:
      Duration :   45 Minutes
      Preliminary Round
      Students will be required to solve basic algo based quiz questions.
      Offline  event
      Students will selected for round 2 based on their comparative percentiles
Event Format         
Round 2:
      Duration : 1 Hour
      Each team is provided with .exe files (~3) and an input set for the .exe files
      Teams have to run the file and analyze the output
      After analyzing, teams have to generate the source code for that file
      The .exe files would be based on certain basic logical problems.
      Point Based round with max. of 100 pts
      Hints can be provided but with deduction from score.
      Teams Scoring Max. # of pts qualifies to sit in next round.
Event Format         
Round 3:
      Duration : 1.5 Hours
     The teams to qualify for the final round will be provided with an AI Development problem.
    Teams have to first develop the algorithm and then develop the source code for the problem. The teams can use any programming language from C/C++/JAVA.
     The develop source code should satisfactorily solve the given problem parameters.
   The judging criteria for the final round will not only be on the successful execution of code but should also fall within favorable algorithm performance parameters such as Space-Time complexity, Run time etc..